The Eksta Energy Grant

in memory of ivar franzén

Eksta Bostads AB is inviting students on undergraduate or postgraduate courses in engineering or architecture at Chalmers University of Technology and Lund University’s Faculty of Engineering to apply for an Eksta Energy Grant. The grants are generous – eligible projects have previously been allocated sums of SEK 30,000. 2023 three grants were allocated SEK 55,000 in total.

About the grant
The Eksta Energy Grant in Memory of Ivar Franzén aims to encourage studies and research about resource efficient buildings with a low climate impact from production to decommissioning, ie the entire life cycle (construction, operation, decommissioning). Eksta’s aim for the grant is to spread knowledge and interest in the subject area and encourage developments in the construction and property sector towards sustainable production and operation of buildings.

Target areas
- Degree projects as part of undergraduate or postgraduate courses in engineering or architecture at Chalmers University of Technology and Lund University’s Faculty of Engineering, published during the 2023-24 academic year.

- The degree project should relate to studies/research on resource efficient and sustainable buildings and can cover parts of or the entire building's life cycle, ie from production to decommissioning. Measures to improve a building's resource efficiency must not affect the indoor climate or otherwise impair the function of the building.

- The degree project should have good potential for practical application within a reasonable period following completion of the degree project

- The degree project should be economically viable.

When the Grant Committee assesses the work, great consideration is given to the quality of the work, such as structure, method, execution and linguistic clarity.

The grant is non-transferrable and, under Swedish tax law, is not taxable for the recipient.

Grant Committee
The judging panel is made up of the Grant Committee, which consists of representatives from the housing sector, including Eksta Bostads AB, and from Chalmers University of Technology and Lund University’s Faculty of Engineering.

Content of application

·  Completed application form found on Eksta’s website.

·  Written confirmation from your supervisor affirming that your degree project has been approved, including the name       and national identity number of the applicant(s). 

·  The abstract of the degree project as a separate pdf. The following information must appear clearly on the pdf:

     - title and author(s)

     - university

     - program

·  A pdf of the full degree project.

You can find out more and download the application form here.

Applications should be sent to

Please write ‘Eksta Energy Grant’ in the subject field.

Application deadline
Applications must be received by Eksta Bostads AB no later than 28 June 2024.

Awarding of grants
Decisions about grants will be issued in November 2023. The grant recipient(s) will be invited to Eksta Bostads AB’s energy day in late November or December 2024 to present their work.

If you have any questions, please contact the Grant Committee chairman, Åsa Wahlström by email at

Good luck with your application!

Christer Kilersjö
CEO Eksta Bostads AB


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